Results of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019 were released on 8 December in an online event hosted virtually by UNESCO.
TIMSS 2019 results show progress towards SDG 4 with students attaining minimum proficiency across participating countries and territories with 92 percent of fourth grade students and 87 percent of eighth grade students meeting the TIMSS 2019 Low International Benchmark. In fourth grade mathematics, an increasing gender gap in favor of boys is seen, where boys obtained an average higher score in almost half of the countries (27), compared to about a third of the countries (18) in 2015.
Approximately one-third of both fourth and eighth grade students reported either 'About Weekly' or 'About Monthly' bullying, and the performance of these students was lower than that of students who reported never or almost never experiencing bullying as a key area for change.
Teacher professional development is another area of concern, with more than 70% of students taught by eighth grade teachers already showing a need for more potential professional development to incorporate technology into mathematics and science.