Subject-specific strength and weaknesses of fourth-grade students in Europe

Large-scale Assessments in Education
Issue number
Relates to study/studies
TIMSS 2011
PIRLS 2011

Subject-specific strength and weaknesses of fourth-grade students in Europe

 A comparative latent profile analysis of multidimensional proficiency patterns based on PIRLS/TIMSS combined 2011


In 2011 the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) were conducted at fourth grade in a number of participating countries with a shared representative sample. In this article we investigate whether there are multidimensional proficiency patterns across the competency domains or not. In order to derive proficiency patterns across the reading (PIRLS), mathematics and science (TIMSS) competence domains, latent profile analyses (LPA) of students’ plausible values were conducted. For this, the grade four student sample from 17 countries were combined and analyzed. The international reference model that resulted from this analysis was then applied with constraints to all 17 countries separately so that substantial comparisons between countries became possible. To describe and compare the differences between national profiles a classification system was developed and applied to all countries’ profile patterns.