Within-item response processes as indicators of test-taking effort and motivation

Educational Research and Evaluation
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PISA 2012

Within-item response processes as indicators of test-taking effort and motivation


The present study used process data from a computer-based problem-solving task as indications of behavioural level of test-taking effort, and explored how behavioural item-level effort related to overall test performance and self-reported effort. Variables were extracted from raw process data and clustered. Four distinct clusters were obtained and characterised as high effort, medium effort, low effort, and planner. Regression modelling indicated that among students that failed to solve the task, level of effort invested before giving up positively predicted overall test performance. Among students that solved the task, level of effort was instead weakly negatively related to test performance. A low level of behavioural effort before giving up the task was also related to lower self-reported effort. Results suggest that effort invested before giving up provides information about test-takers' motivation to spend effort on the test. We conclude that process data could augment existing methods of assessing test-taking effort.