PASEC 2014 Fact Sheet
Long title
Programme d’analyse des systèmes éducatifs de la CONFEMEN
Frequency of data collection
Every 5 years
- 2011–2012: framework and instrument development
- March–April 2013: field trial
- March–April 2014: data collection
- December 2015: release of international reports
- December 2015: release of international database
- March–December 2016: release of national reports
- Identify those factors influencing quality and educational equity that are applicable to primary education systems, schools, teachers, and students.
- Provide national policy makers in the Francophone countries with indicators for monitoring and mutual comparison.
- Contribute to the country-level development of national education systems and foster research through a knowledge community.
- Disseminate evaluation results at the national and international levels.
Assessment domain(s)
- Early mathematics
- Mathematics
- Early reading and language
- Reading comprehension
Study framework (summary)
Test framework
Grade 2
- Language
- Listening comprehension
- Familiarization with written language and reading-decoding
- Reading comprehension
- Mathematics
- Arithmetic
- Geometry, space, and measurement
Grade 6
- Language
- Decoding isolated words and sentences
- Reading comprehension
- Mathematics
- Arithmetic
- Measurement
- Geometry and space
Contextual framework
- National contexts
- School and class contexts
- Student context
Participating entities
10 countries (French-speaking African countries)
Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Senegal, and Togo
Target population and sample (summary)
Target population (student)
- Grade 2 (formal education)
- Last grade (Grade 5 or 6) of primary school (formal education)
- Grade 6
- At least 180 schools were targeted; one classroom in each school; 20 students in each classroom.
- Grade 2
- At least 90 schools from Grade 6 sample were targeted; one classroom in each school; 10 students in each classroom.
All participating countries were able to extend their sample in order to improve subnational analysis.
Schools were randomly selected by the PASEC Coordination Center following a standard procedure:
- Stratified sampling
- Systematic probability-proportional-to-size sampling of both Grades 2 and 6
Data collection techniques and instruments (summary)
Grade 2
- Two tests: language and mathematics
- One-to-one administration
- Maximum of 30 minutes per test
- One test per day
- One common booklet
Grade 6
- Two tests: reading comprehension and mathematics
- Collective administration, pencil and paper; multiple-choice questions.
- Maximum 2 hours per test; split across 2 sessions of 1 hour each.
- One test per day
- Four rotated booklets
Contextual questionnaires
- Student questionnaire
- Teacher questionnaire
- Principal questionnaire
Study director(s)
Study website(s)
Complexe Sicap Point E, Immeuble C,
3e étage, Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop
BP : 3220 Dakar Sénégal
Tél. : (221) 33 859 29 79