All Papers

The papers database contains information on all papers and journal articles relevant to the ILSAs presented here; these are generally from peer-reviewed journals and deal with secondary analyses.

The table below lists all articles included in the database, whereas study Papers pages outline those related to a respective ILSA, if applicable.

The database is updated on a regular basis.


Author/s Year Title Sort descending
Rocha, Daniel Petri, Bewersdorff, Arne, Nerdel, Claudia 2024 Exploring influences on ICT adoption in German schools
Lintorf, Katrin, Guill, Karin, Wendt, Heike 2017 "Anything your child can do, my child can do better!"
Oliver, Mary C., Adkins, Michael J. 2020 "Hot-headed" students?
Zullo, Matteo 2022 (No) Trade-off between numeracy and verbal reasoning development
Şengül, Sare, Katranci, Yasemin, Küçük, Ahmet 2015 8th grade mathematics subjects within the scope of TIMSS
Hoffmann, Nathan I. 2022 A 'win-win exercise'?
Samsudin, Mohd Ali, Chut, Thodsaphorn Som, Ismail, Mohd Erfy, Ahmad, Nur Jahan 2020 A calibrated item bank for computerized adaptive testing in measuring science TIMSS performance
Chamberlain, Megan C., Medina, Emma J. 2020 A case of being the same?
Geiger, Vince, Anderson, Judy, Hurrell, Derek 2017 A case study of effective practice in mathematics teaching and learning informed by Valsiner's zone theory
Hu, Xiaoyue , Hu, Jie 2021 A classification analysis of the high and low levels of global competence of secondary students
Scandurra, Rosario, Alberio, Marco 2021 A classification of factors affecting adults' skills distribution
Gabrielsen, Egil, Sabatini, John 2020 A closer look at low-performing adult readers in the Scandinavian countries
You, Hye Sun, Park, Sunyoung, Delgado, Cesar 2021 A closer look at US schools: What characteristics are associated with scientific literacy?
Merry, Joseph J, Condron, Dennis J, Torres, Nick 2020 A comparative analysis of early childhood socioeconomic conditions and educational achievement 15 years later
Yasukawa, Keiko, Hamilton, Mary, Evans, Jeff 2017 A comparative analysis of national media responses to the OECD Survey of Adult Skills
Fackler, Sina, Sammons, Pamela, Malmberg, Lars-Erik 2021 A comparative analysis of predictors of teacher self-efficacy in student engagement, instruction and classroom management in Nordic, Anglo-Saxon and East and South-East Asian countries
Son, Ji-Won, Han, Seong Won, Kang, Chungseo, Kwon, Oh Nam 2016 A comparative analysis of the relationship among quality instruction, teacher self-efficacy, student background, and mathematics achievement in South Korea and the United States
Long, Caroline, Wendt, Heike 2017 A comparative investigation of South Africa's high-performing learners on selected TIMSS items comprising multiplicative concepts
Abdullah, Abdul Halim, Shin, Bomi 2019 A comparative study of quadrilaterals topic content in mathematics textbooks between Malaysia and South Korea
Wu, Xiaopeng, Zhang, Yi, Wu, Rongxiu, Chang, Hua-Hua 2022 A comparative study on cognitive diagnostic assessment of mathematical key competencies and learning trajectories
Akin Arikan, Cigdem 2019 A comparison of kernel equating methods based on Neat design
Toker, Turker, Green, Kathy 2021 A comparison of Latent Class Analysis and the Mixture Rasch Model using 8th grade mathematics data in the fourth international mathematics and science study (TIMSS-2011)
Boško, Martin, Voňková, Hana, Papajoanu, Ondřej, Moore, Angie 2023 A comparison of response styles between different groups of Czech and New Zealand students participating in PISA 2018
Lay, Yoon Fah, Ng, khar Thoe 2021 A comparison of school climate with TIMSS 2015 science achievement among South-East and East Asian countries
Tay, Loius, Woo, Sang Eun, Vermunt, Jeroen K. 2014 A conceptual and methodological framework for psychometric isomorphism
Steinmann, Isa, Strietholt, Rolf, Braeken, Johan 2021 A constrained factor mixture analysis model for consistent and inconsistent respondents to mixed-worded scales
Stijepic, Damir 2021 A cross-country study of skills and unemployment flows
Avşar, Asiye Şengül, Emons, Wilco H.M. 2021 A cross-cultural comparison of non-cognitive outputs towards science between Turkish and Dutch students taking into account detected person misfit
Kim, Suehye, Choi, Jungah 2021 A cross-cultural examination of socio-psychological resources in mathematics achievement between Korea and the US
Xu, Kate M., Cunha-Harvey, Anna Rita, King, Ronnel B., de Koning, Bjorn B., Paas, Fred, Baars, Martine, Zhang, JingJing, de Groot, Renate 2023 A cross-cultural investigation on perseverance, self-regulated learning, motivation, and achievement
Zheng, Wang 2024 A cross-cultural perspective on adolescents' cognitive flexibility and pro-environmental behavior
Chen, Jiangping, Lin, Chin-Hsi, Chen, Gaowei 2021 A cross-cultural perspective on the relationships among social media use, self-regulated learning and adolescents' digital reading literacy
Ma, Yue 2021 A cross-cultural study of student self-efficacy profiles and the associated predictors and outcomes using a multigroup latent profile analysis
Jeong, Dong Wook, Moon, Chan Ju , Moon, Heewon, Luschei, Thomas F. 2023 A cross-national analysis of school boards' roles and consequences for school resources and student achievement
Ayieko, Rachel Angela, Moreano, Giovanna, Harter, Lauren 2022 A cross-national comparison of fourth and eighth grade students’ understanding of fraction magnitude
Kim, Hyungryeol 2019 A Cross-national examination of political trust in adolescence
Yuan, Zhenguo , Tan, Jiang, Ye, Renmin 2023 A cross-national study of mathematics anxiety
Kadijevich, Djordje M. 2015 A dataset from TIMSS to examine the relationship between computer use and mathematics achievement
Kameshwara, Kalyan Kumar, Sandoval-Hernández, Andrés, Shields, Robin, Dhanda, Kanika Rai 2020 A false promise?
Mølstad, Christina E., Petterssonm, Daniel, Forsberg, Eva 2017 A game of thrones
Dohn, Niels B. 2022 A gender perspective on the structure of adolescents' interest in science
Marquez, Jose, Long, Emily 2021 A global decline in adolescents' subjective well-being
Rebai, Sonia, Ben Yahia, Fatma, Essid, Hedi 2020 A graphically based machine learning approach to predict secondary schools performance in Tunisia
Frey, Andreas, König, Christoph, Fink, Aron 2023 A Highly Adaptive Testing Design for PISA
Lim, Doo Hun, Ryu, Hyunok, Jin, Bora 2020 A latent class analysis of older workers' skill proficiency and skill utilization in South Korea
Xu, Haochen, Fang, Guangbao, Ying, Zhiliang 2020 A latent topic model with Markov transition for process data
Aparicio, Juan, Landete, Mercedes, Monger, Juan F. 2020 A linear ordering problem of sets
Gabriel, Florence, Signolet, Jason, Westwell, Martin 2018 A machine learning approach to investigating the effects of mathematics dispositions on mathematical literacy
Tze, Virginia M. C, Li, Johnson C.-H., Parker, Patti C. 2023 A mediation analysis of emotions based on the control-value theory
Ouma, Christine, Nam, Jiwon 2015 A meta-analysis of gender gap in student achievement in African countries
Kahraman, Nurcan 2024 A meta-analytic examination of the effect of individual and school-average achievement on students' self-concept in science
Wei, Junhuan, Cai, Yan, Tu, Dongbo 2023 A mixed sequential IRT model for mixed-format items
Kim, Nana, Bolt, Daniel.M 2020 A mixture IRTree model for extreme response style
Johansson, Stefan, Yang Hansen, Kajsa, Thorsen, Cecilia 2023 A modeling approach to identify academically resilient students
Chin, Kevin, Barber, Carolyn 2010 A multi-dimensional exploration of teachers’ beliefs about civic education in Australia, England, and the United States
Wang, Yujiao , Chen, I-Hua 2023 A multilevel analysis of factors influencing school bullying in 15-year-old students
Takashiro, Naomi 2017 A multilevel analysis of Japanese middle school student and school socioeconomic status influence on mathematics achievement
Collie, Rebecca J., Malmberg, Lars-Erik, Martin, Andrew J., Sammons, Pamela, "Morin, Alexandre J. S. 2020 A multilevel person-centered examination of teachers' workplace demands and resources
Stainthorp, Rhona 2020 A national intervention in teaching phonics
Wu, Yi-Jhen, Carstensen, Claus H., Lee, Jihyun 2020 A new perspective on memorization practices among East Asian students based on PISA 2012
Kaptan, Orhun, Karabay, Aydın, Kocabaş, İbrahim 2023 A panel data analysis of the effect of well-being on PISA maths skills from the perspective of equality
Zhou, Hao , Ma, Xin 2023 A partial simulation study of phantom effects in multilevel analysis of school effects
Yamashita, Takashi, Smith, Thomas J., Cummins, Phyllis A. 2021 A Practical Guide for Analyzing Large-Scale Assessment Data Using Mplus
Lohmann, Julian F., Zitzmann, Steffen, Voelkle, Manuel C., Hecht, Martin 2022 A primer on continuous-time modeling in educational research
Ulitzsch, Esther, Domingue, Benjamin W., Kapoor, Radhika, Kanopka, Klint, Rios, Joseph A. 2023 A probabilistic filtering approach to non‐effortful responding
Krashen, Stephen, Loh, Ka Yee 2015 A problem with PIRLS
Xu, Xiao 2023 A profile of core workplace skills in developing countries
Gimenez, Gregorio, Ciobanu, Denisa , Barrado, Beatriz 2021 A proposal of spatial measurement of peer effect through socioeconomic indices and unsatisfied basic needs
Bulut, Hatice Cigdem, Bulut, Okan, Clelland, Ashley 2024 A psychometric network analysis approach for detecting item wording effects in self-report measures across subgroups
Hanushek, Eric, Woessmann, Ludger 2020 A quantitative look at the economic impact of the European Union's educational goals
Kim, Suehye 2020 A quasi-experimental analysis of the adult learning effect on problem-solving skills
Lu, Jing, Wang, Chun 2020 A response time process model for not-reached and omitted Items
Grajcevci, Albulene , Shala, Arif 2021 A review of Kosovo’s 2015 PISA results
Han, Yuting, Liu, Hongyun, Ji, Feng 2022 A sequential response model for analyzing process data on technology-based problem-solving tasks
Matsubara, Kenji, Hagiwara, Yasuhito, Saruta, Yuji 2016 A statistical analysis of the characteristics of the intended curriculum for Japanese primary science and its relationship to the attained curriculum
Saatçioğlu, Fatıma Münevver, Atar, Hakan Yavuz 2020 A study on the identification of latent classes using mixture item response theory models
Teig, Nani, Scherer, Ronny, Olsen, Rolf Vegar 2022 A systematic review of studies investigating science teaching and learning
Sun, Siyu, Wu, Xiaopeng, Xu, Tianshu 2023 A Theoretical Framework for a Mathematical Cognitive Model for Adaptive Learning Systems
Pongsophon, Pongprapan, Herman, Benjamin C. 2017 A theory of planned behaviour-based analysis of TIMSS 2011 to determine factors influencing inquiry teaching practices in high-performing countries
Kreitchmann, Rodrigo Schames, Abad, Francisco José, Ponsoda, Vicente 2018 A two-dimensional multiple-choice model accounting for omissions
Ren, Weijia, Li, Jianzhu, Erciulescu, Andreea, Krenzke, Tom, Mohadjer, Leyla 2022 A Variable Selection Method for Small Area Estimation Modeling of the Proficiency of Adult Competency
Kaiser, Gabriele, Busse, Andreas, Hoth, Jessica, König, Johannes, Blömeke, Sigrid 2015 About the complexities of video-based assessments
Wamala, Robert, Kizito, O. S., Jjemba, E. 2013 Academic achievement of Ugandan sixth grade students
Bergold, Sebastian, Wendt, Heike, Kasper, Daniel, Steinmayr, Ricarda 2016 Academic competencies
Gonzalez-Betancor, Sara M., Fernández-Monroy, Margarita, Galván-Sánchez, Inmaculada, Lopez-Puig, Alexis J. 2023 Academic performance of first-year university students
Högberg, Björn 2023 Academic performance, performance culture, and mental health
Ye, Wangqiong, Strietholt, Rolf, Blömeke, Sigrid 2021 Academic resilience
García-Crespo, Francisco J., Fernández-Alonso, Rubén, Muñiz, José 2021 Academic resilience in European countries
İra, Nejat, Yıldız, Mehmet, Yıldız, Gamze, Yalçınkaya-Önder, Eylem, Aksu, Ali 2021 Access to information technology of households and secondary school students in Turkey
Spaull, Nicholas, Taylor, Stephen 2015 Access to what?
House, J. Daniel, Telese, James A. 2016 Achievement of eight-grade students in Korea on the TIMSS 2011 assessment
Brinkmann, Maximilian, Huth-Stöckle, Nora, Schunck, Reinhard , Teltemann, Janna 2024 Achievement or social background?
Schmidt, William H., Xin, Tao, Guo, Siwen, Wang, Xuran 2022 Achieving excellence and equality in mathematics
Benda, Luc, Koster, Ferry, van der Veen, Romke 2020 Active labour market policy as a socialising agent
Collie, Rebecca J., Granziera, Helena, Martin, Andrew J., Burns, Emma C., Holliman, Andrew J. 2020 Adaptability among science teachers in schools
Saadati, Farzaneh, Larrain, Macarena, Bastian, Anton, Felmer, Patricio, Kaiser, Gabriele 2024 Adapting German instruments and validating their use to measure Chilean mathematics teachers’ professional competence
Caro, Daniel H., Kyriakides, Leonidas, Televantou, Loulia 2018 Addressing omitted prior achievement bias in international assessments
Sulis, Isabella, Giambona, Francesca, Porcu, Mariano 2020 Adjusted indicators of quality and equity for monitoring the education systems over time
Jefferson, Rebecca, Barreto, Manuela, Jones, Frederick, Conway, Jasmine , Chohan, Aishwarya, Madsen, Katrine Rich, Verity, Lily 2023 Adolescent loneliness across the world and its relation to school climate, national culture and academic performance
Guo, Luyang, Hau, Kit-Tai 2024 Adolescents want to be teachers?
Jang, Gyeongah , Schwarzenthal, Miriam, Juang, Linda P. 2023 Adolescents' global competence
Zhang, Xiaotian, Zhou, Mingming 2022 Adolescents' perceived ICT autonomy, relatedness, and competence
Chen, Jiangping, Lin, Chin-Hsi, Chen, Gaowei 2023 Adolescents' self-regulated and affective learning, teacher support and digital reading literacy
Seon, Youngwoon, Smith-Adcock, Sondra 2023 Adolescents’ meaning in life as a resilience factor between bullying victimization and life satisfaction
Chen, Jiangping, Lin, Chin-Hsi, Chen, Gaowei 2023 Adolescents’ self-regulated and affective learning, teacher support and digital reading literacy
Rammstedt, Beatrice, Gauly, Britta, Zabal, Anouk 2021 Adult Literacy and Weak Readers in PIAAC Cycle 1
Tsatsaroni, Anna, Evans, Jeff 2014 Adult numeracy and the totally pedagogised society
Yamashita, Takashi, Punksungka, Wonmai, Narine, Donnette, Helsinger, Abigail, Kramer, Jenna, Cummins, Phyllis A., Karam, Rita 2023 Adult numeracy skill practice by stem and non-STEM workers in the USA
Patterson, Margaret Becker , Paulson, Usha G. 2016 Adult transitions to learning in the USA
Zhao, Mingren, Jin, Rui 2023 Advancing a cross-cultural understanding of teacher perceptions of school climate
Thien, Lei Mee, Darmawan, I. Gusti Ngurah, Ong, Mei Yean 2015 Affective characteristics and mathematics performance in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
Lay, Yoon Fah, Rajoo, Murugan 2020 Affective factors contributing to Southeast Asian and East Asian eight graders' science achievement in TIMSS 2015
López-Castro, Leticia, Smith, Peter K., Robinson, Susanne, Görzig, Anke 2023 Age differences in bullying victimisation and perpetration
Yamashita, Takashi, Smith, Thomas, Cummins, Phyllis 2021 Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on Literacy Skills across Life Stages
Kozina, Ana 2015 Aggression in primary schools
Kuang, Xiaoxue, Kennedy, Kerry John 2018 Alienated and disaffected students
Holmlund, Helena, Rainer, Helmut , Reich, Patrick 2023 All geared towards success?
Joo, Sean, Valdivia, Montserrat, Valdivia, Dubravka Svetina, Rutkowski, Leslie 2023 Alternatives to weighted item fit statistics for establishing measurement invariance in many groups
Vera-Toscano, Esperanza, Meroni, Elena Claudia 2021 An Age-Period-Cohort Approach to the Incidence and Evolution of Overeducation and Skills Mismatch
Romuald, Nguemkap Kouamo 2023 An analysis of inequalities in school performance between public and private students in sub-Saharan Africa
Bayirli, Ezgi Gülenç , Kaygun, Atabey, ÖZ, Ersoy 2023 An analysis of PISA 2018 mathematics assessment for Asia-Pacific countries using educational data mining
Yoon, Jiyoung, Hur, Eun Jung, Kim, Minsun 2020 An Analysis of the Factors on the Problem-Solving Competencies of Engineering Employees in Korea
Ozkale, Abdullah, Erdogan, Emel Ozdemir 2020 An analysis of the interaction between mathematical literacy and financial literacy in PISA
van Staden, Surette, Graham, Marien Alet, Harvey, J. C. 2020 An analysis of TIMSS 2015 science reading demands
Larke, Patricia, Moon, Chi Yun 2020 An analysis of U.S. TIMSS 2015 mathematics achievement by content domains across gender and ethnicity
Bai, Yongxiao, Liang, Haili, Qi, Chunxia, Zou, Siyu 2023 An assessment of eighth graders’ mathematics higher order thinking skills in the Chinese context
Woitschach, Pamela, Zumbo, Bruno D, Fernández-Alonso, Rubén 2019 An ecological view of measurement
Ma, Wenchao, Torre, Jimmy de la 2020 An empirical Q‐matrix validation method for the sequential generalized DINA model
He, Jia, Chung, Joanne M., Van de Vijver, Fons J. R. 2020 An examination of different scale usage correction procedures to enhance cross-cultural data comparability
Ozbasi, Durmus, Ilgaz, Gokhan 2019 An examination of educational inputs with the data envelopment analysis
Li, Hongli, Qin, Qi, Lei, Pui-Wa 2017 An examination of the instructional sensitivity of the TIMSS math items
Yavuz, Emine, Atar, Hakan Yavuz 2020 An examination of Turkish students' PISA 2015 collaborative problem-solving competencies
Gamazo, Adriana, Abad-Martinez, Fernando 2020 An exploration of factors linked to academic performance in PISA 2018 through data mining techniques
Saal, Katherine, Yamashita, Takashi, Shaw, Donita M., Perry, Kristen H. 2020 An exploration of U.S. adults' information processing skills and political efficacy
Tang, Xueying, Wang, Zhi, Liu, Jingchen, Ying, Zhiliang 2021 An exploratory analysis of the latent structure of process data via action sequence autoencoders
Weinstein, José, Azar, Ariel, Flessa, Joseph 2018 An ineffective preparation?
Olifant, Tilla, Boakye, Naomi 2022 An interdependent literacy model to assist with critical reading comprehension in the English first additional language classroom
Chung, Hyewon, Kim, Jung-In, Jung, Eunjin, Park, Soyoung 2022 An international comparison study exploring the influential variables affecting students' reading literacy and life satisfaction
Toprak-Yildiz, Tugba Elif 2021 An international comparison using cognitive diagnostic assessment
Cosgrove, Jude, Gilleece, Lorraine 2012 An international perspective on civic participation in Irish post-primary schools
Fackler, Sina, Malmberg, Lars-Erik, Sammons, Pamela 2021 An international perspective on teacher self-efficacy
Wilson, Alison S.P., Urick, Angela 2022 An intersectional examination of the opportunity gap in science
Büyükatak, Emrah, Anil, Duygu 2022 An investigation of data mining classification methods in classifying students according to 2018 PISA reading scores
Ata Baran, Ayla, Kabael, Tangül 2023 An investigation of eighth-graders’ mathematical communication competency and mathematical literacy performance
Yilmaz, Nadide, Ay, Zeynep Sonay, Aydin, Şeyda 2021 An investigation of tasks in the mathematics textbooks and objectives in mathematics curriculum from 4th to 8th grade related with data content domain according to TIMSS 2019 cognitive domains
Kogar, Esin Yilmaz 2020 An investigation of the mediating role of various variables in the effect of both gender and economic, social and cultural status on reading literacy
Chang, Yu‐Wei, Hsu, Nan‐Jung, Tsai, Rung‐Ching 2021 An item response tree model with not‐all‐distinct end nodes for non‐response modelling
Celik, Mustafa, Ozer Ozkan, Yesim 2020 Analysis of differential item functioning of PISA 2015 mathematics subtest subject to gender and statistical regions
Mulera, D. M., Ndala, K. K., Nyirongo, R. 2017 Analysis of factors affecting pupil performance in Malawi’s primary schools based on SACMEQ survey results
Gure, Ozlem Bezek, Kayri, Murat, Erdogan, Fevzi 2020 Analysis of factors effecting PISA 2015 mathematics literacy via educational data mining
Sánchez-Antón, María-del-Carmen, Badillo-Amador, Rosa, Marco-Gil, María-del-Carmen, LLinares-Ciscar, Juan-Vicente, Álvarez-Díez, Susana, Sánchez-García, Juan-Francisco 2022 Analysis of the educational poverty in Spain by subjects, regions and gender
Peduk, Burcu, Ates, Ozlem 2019 Analysis of the science course curriculum objectives and high school entrance examination questions according to TIMSS framework
Gonzalez-Gallardo, Sandra, Ruiz, Ana B., Luque, Mariano 2021 Analysis of the well-being levels of students in Spain and Finland through interval multiobjective linear programming
Mouronte López, Mary Luz, Savall Ceres, Juana 2021 Analyzing enrollment in information & communication technology programs and use of social networks based on gender
Sanfo, Jean-Baptiste M. B., Ogawa, Keiichi 2023 Analyzing language of instruction and students' learning achievements in Zambia
Ertl, Bernhard, Hartmann, Florian G., Heine, Jorg-Henrik 2020 Analyzing Large-Scale Studies
Büyükkidik, Serap 2022 Analyzing TALIS indicators and PISA results with data envelopment
Segovia-González, M.M., Ramírez-Hurtado, JM , Contreras, I. 2023 Analyzing the risk of being a victim of school bullying
Davis, Edward Rock, Wilson, Rachel, Dalton, Bronwen 2020 Another slice of PISA
Winberg, Mikael, Palm, Torulf 2021 Antecedents and relative importance of student motivation for science and mathematics achievement in TIMSS
Chen, Xueliang, Hu, Jie 2020 Antecedents of adolescent students' ICT self-efficacy
Zakariya, Yusuf F. 2021 Application of an innovative alignment optimisation method to a cross-cultural mean comparison of teacher self-efficacy
Thompson, James J. 2022 Application of Network Analysis to Description and Prediction of Assessment Outcomes
Thompson, James J. 2022 Application of Network Analysis to Description and Prediction of Assessment Outcomes
Wilson, Alison 2022 Applying an intersectional framework to the study of opportunity to learn science, sense of belonging, and academic climate in U.S. schools
Keating, Avril 2016 Are cosmopolitan dispositions learned at home, at school, or through contact with others?
Zhang, Min, Zhang, Weidong, Shi, Yong 2023 Are happier adolescents more willing to protect the environment?
Vézina, Samuel, Bélanger, Alain 2020 Are large surveys of adult literacy skills as comparable over time as we think?
Istenic, Andreja, Bratko, Ivan, Rosanda, Violeta 2021 Are pre-service teachers disinclined to utilise embodied humanoid social robots in the classroom?
Ali, Farhan, Ow-Yeong, Yook Kit, Tilley, Jacqueline L. 2024 Are schools becoming more unequal?
Kim, Hye Jeong, Yi, Pilnam, Hong, Ji In 2021 Are schools digitally inclusive for all?
Radišić, Jelena, Selleri, Patrizia, Carugati, Felice , Baucal, Aleksandar 2021 Are students in Italy really disinterested in science?
Hsieh, Feng-Jui, Wong, Khoon Yoong, Wang, Ting-Ying 2013 Are Taiwanese and Singaporean future teachers similar in their mathematics-related teaching competencies?
Valerio, Alexandria, Sanchez Puerta, Maria Laura, Tognatta, Namrata Raman, Monroy Taborda, Sebastian 2016 Are there skills payoffs in low- and middle-income countries?
Georgiou, Helen 2023 Are we really falling behind?
Cho, Young Ha, Kim, Tae Jun 2013 Asian civic values
Kennedy, Kerry J. 2012 Asian students’ citizenship values and their relationship to civic understanding
Knowles, Ryan 2015 Asian values and democratic citizenship
Addey, Camilla, Maddox, Bryan, Zumbo, Bruno D 2020 Assembled validity
Patterson, Margaret Becker 2023 Assessed numeracy skills and skill use of adults with learning disabilities in PIAAC
Cordero, Jose M., Santín, Daniel, Simancas, Rosa 2017 Assessing European primary school performance through a conditional nonparametric model
Lu, Yujie, Zhang, Xuan, Zhou, Xinlin 2023 Assessing gender difference in mathematics achievement
Blömeke, Sigrid, Suhl, Ute, Döhrmann, Martina 2013 Assessing strengths and weaknesses of teacher knowledge in Asia, Eastern Europe, and western countries
Liou, Pey-Yan, Wang, Cheng-Lung, Lin, John J. H., Areepattamannil, Shaljan 2021 Assessing students' motivational beliefs about learning science across grade level and gender
Almarashdi, Hanan Shaher, Jarrah, Adeeb M. 2023 Assessing tenth-grade students' mathematical literacy skills in solving PISA problems
Glassow, Leah Natasha, Rolfe, Victoria, Hansen, Kajsa Yang 2021 Assessing the comparability of teacher-related constructs in TIMSS 2015 across 46 education systems
Manuel Cordero, Jose, Polo, Cristina, Simancas, Rosa 2022 Assessing the efficiency of secondary schools
Mittal, Oleksandra, Scherer, Ronny, Nilsen, Trude 2022 Assessing the evidence for the comparability of socioeconomic status between students with and without immigrant background in Norway and Sweden
Rutkowski, Leslie, Svetina, Dubravka 2014 Assessing the hypothesis of measurement invariance in the context of large-scale international surveys
Salas-Velasco, Manuel 2020 Assessing the performance of Spanish secondary education institutions
García-Cabrero, Benilde, Pérez-Martínez, María Guadalupe, Sandoval-Hernández, Andrés, Caso-Niebla, Joaquín, Díaz-López, Carlos 2016 Assessing two theoretical frameworks of civic engagement
Ihme, Jan Marten, Senkbeil, Martin, Goldhammer, Frank, Gerick, Julia 2017 Assessment of computer and information literacy in ICILS 2013
Erduran, Sibel, El Masri, Yasmine, Cullinane, Alison, Ng, YPD 2020 Assessment of practical science in high stakes examinations
Blömeke, Sigrid, Delaney, Seán 2012 Assessment of teacher knowledge across countries
Dinca, Marius Sorin, Dinca, Gheorghita, Andronic, Maria Letitia, Pasztori, Anna Maria 2021 Assessment of the European Union's educational efficiency
Teltemann, Janna, Jude, Nina 2019 Assessments and accountability in secondary education
López-Bueno, Rubén, Koyanagi, Ai, López-Sánchez, Guillermo Felipe, Firth, Joseph, Smith, Lee 2021 Association between age of first exposure and heavy internet use in a representative sample of 317,443 adolescents from 52 countries
Raess, Michelle, Brentani, Alexandra Valeria Maria, Fluckiger, Benjamin , Campos, Bartolomeu Ledebur de Antas de, Fink, Günther , Roosli, Martin 2022 Association between community noise and children's cognitive and behavioral development
Raess, Michelle, Brentani, Alexandra Valeria Maria, Fluckiger, Benjamin , Campos, Bartolomeu Ledebur de Antas de, Fink, Günther , Roosli, Martin 2022 Association between community noise and children's cognitive and behavioral development
Yamashita, Takashi, Narine, Donnette, Punksungka, Wonmai, Kramer, Jenna, Karam, Rita, Cummins, Phyllis 2023 Associations between volunteering, STE; backgrounds, and information-processing skills in adult populations of the United states