ICILS 2013 Data
- All statistics were computed using sampling weights.
- Estimation of standard errors for significance testing were computed by making use of:
- Replication methods (jackknife repeated replication, JK2 variant) to estimate sampling variance, and
- Five plausible values for estimating measurement variance.
- General note: ICILS data were designed for group-level reporting, and students’ scale scores in the database are not intended to report performance of individual students or very small groups.
For doing secondary analyses, data can be analyzed with the IEA IDB Analyzer. This tool takes into account the characteristics of the sampling and assessment design, implements the corresponding replication method, and makes use of existing plausible values.
The data files include the student responses to the computer and information literacy (CIL) achievement items and the responses to the student, teacher, school, and ICT coordinator questionnaires.
- Student data files
- School data files
- Teacher data files
Responses to all items used in the assessment were included in the database. After each cycle, however, some of the items are released to the public, whereas others are kept secure. This is done to show the public what the items used in the assessment look like, while at the same time ensuring the possibility of measuring trends over time. From the ICILS 2013 cycle, the “After-School-Exercise” module has been released to the public (see here). While the use of the actual released items is subject to approval by the IEA Secretariat, the response data to all items used in the assessment is publicly available in the data files