PRIDI 2013 Organization
Study director(s)
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) - Aimee E. Verdisco, Project Leader
- Overall direction and management
Institutions and their responsibilities
Sub-contractor and advisory group
IEA Hamburg
- Processing and verification of data submitted by participants
- Assurance of accuracy and consistency of PRIDI database within and across countries
- School and student sampling activities
Psychometrics, reporting and analysis
Grupo de Análisis para el Desarollo (GRADE)
- Consulting on psychometric methodology
- Instrument development
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
1300 New York Ave NW
Washington, DC 20577
Tel. +1 202 623 1000
IEA Hamburg
Überseering 27
22297 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 48500 500
Fax +49 40 48500 501
PRIDI was financed by non-reimbursable technical cooperation funding. It received
- A USD$1 million grant from Inter-American Development Bank’s regional technical cooperation modality,
- USD$140,000 from the Fund for Diversity and Gender
- USD$200,000 from the Social Fund (which financed the participation of Costa Rica), and
- USD$240,000 from two separate economic and social work projects.