SACMEQ III Study Design
Quantitative Study
- Overall approach to data collection
- Paper-based assessment and paper-based survey
- Specification
- Cross-sectional
Target population
- All pupils at Grade 6 level
- Mainstream primary schools, excluding:
- Special schools
- Small schools
- Unregistered primary schools
- Hard-to-reach primary schools
Sample design
First stage: sampling schools
- Stratification of regions
- Random-start fixed-interval systematic sampling
Second stage: Sampling students
- Random selection of pupils within the sampled school, conducted by the data collectors
- Data collection for teachers, school heads, parents, and school characteristics
Sample size
Per country
- School sample: 150-200 schools
- Student Sample: about 4,000 pupils
- Teacher Sample: about 500 teachers
In total
- 2,779 schools
- 61,396 students
- 8,026 teachers
Data collection techniques and instruments
Student tests
- Three areas; administered to pupils in their traditional test settings and timed:
- 55-item reading test
- 49-item mathematics test
- 86-item HIV/AIDS knowledge (HAK) test
Teacher tests
- Three areas; administered to teachers and timed:
- 52-item reading test
- 42-item mathematics test
- 86-item HAK test
- Administered to pupils, teachers, and school head
- Taken home by pupils in order to obtain and verify information about their parents
School information booklets completed by school head/deputy
School forms completed by data collectors using information obtained from school documents
- achievement or student test
- documents
- questionnaire
Administration of tests and questionnaires in three languages:
- English
- Kiswahili
- Portuguese
Translation procedures
- Translation, by a team of experts, was from English into the other two languages; then back into English, by a second team of experts.
- The translations were professionally checked for discrepancies, inconsistencies, distortions, etc.
- Amendments were then made to produce the final versions.
Quality control of operations
Measures during data collection
- Two trained data collectors were assigned to each sampled school to administer the data collection instruments.
- The data collectors checked all completed questionnaires (learner, teacher, and school head) and, if necessary, obtained any missing or incomplete information on the second day, before leaving the school.
- Tests were administered in controlled school settings.
- Clarification of items in the instruments was provided to respondents when required.
- Information about parents provided by students in the questionnaires was verified with the parents.
Measures during data processing and cleaning
- The SACMEQ Coordinating Centre organized a training program for all national research teams (NRTs)
- Data files were cleaned by the NRTs, emailed to the Coordinating Centre for checking, and then emailed back to the NRTs for further cleaning.
Sources - Technical documentation
Other sources