PISA 2018 Organization
Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States - Irwin Kirsch, International Project Director
- Overall management of contractors and implementation
- Instrument development
- Development of the computer platform
- Survey operations and meetings
- Scaling, analysis, and data products
The PISA Governing Board (PGB)
- Representatives of OECD members and PISA associates (i.e., countries or economies that are not OECD members but have membership rights and obligations in regard to specific OECD bodies and programs)
- Countries and economies that participate in PISA but do not have associate status are welcome to participate in PGB meetings as observers.
- Representatives are appointed by their respective education ministries; the PGB chair is chosen by the board itself.
- Determination of policy priorities for PISA
- Oversight of these policies during implementation of each PISA survey
International consortium
University of Luxembourg
- Support with test development
Unité d’analyse des systèmes et des pratiques d’enseignement (aSPe) at the University of Liège, Belgium
- Test development
- Coding training for open-response items
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), the Netherlands
- Data management software
Westat, USA
- Sampling
- Survey operations
Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (DIPF) in Germany, in cooperation with Statistics Canada
- Development of the questionnaires
HallStat SPRL, Belgium
- Translation referee
Pearson, United Kingdom
- Development of the cognitive assessment frameworks for reading and global competence and of the framework for questionnaires
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
- Sampling software KeyQuest
cApStAn, Belgium, with BranTra
- Linguistic quality control and the development of the French source version
Subject matter expert groups
These groups consist of world experts in each area:
- PISA 2018 Reading Expert Group (7 members, plus 7 members in the extended group)
- PISA 2018 Global Competence Expert Group (7 members in the first phase of development; 4 members in the second phase of development, plus 7 members in the extended group)
- Design of the theoretical framework for the survey.
Questionnaire Expert Group (QEG)
The PISA 2018 QEG had 6 members, plus 8 members in the extended group, all selected by the PISA Governing Board.
- Leadership and guidance in the construction of the PISA context questionnaires.
National project managers
The PISA National Project Managers are appointed by their governments.
- Oversight of implementation of PISA in each participating country/economy.
2 rue André Pascal
75775 Paris Cedex 16
E-mail: edu.pisa@oecd.org
PISA is exclusively financed through direct contributions from participating countries and economies’ government authorities, typically education ministries.