TALIS 2013 Organization
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) - Dirk Hastedt, Executive Director; Steffen Knoll, Study Director, IEA Hamburg
IEA Secretariat (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) - now IEA Amsterdam
- Manages financial and contractual affairs
- Verifies translation procedures for survey questions
- Ensures quality of survey implementation in all participating countries
- Coordinates item development group
- Coordinates quality control procedures
- Appoints, contracts, and trains independent international quality control monitors
IEA Data Processing and Research Center (Hamburg, Germany) – now IEA Hamburg
- Serves as International Study Centre (ISC) and appoints international study director
- Responsible for overall budget, contractual agreements, and international schedule
- Oversees and advises on all tasks related to data processing, scaling, meeting organization, ICT services, software development, and programming
- Provides all countries with within-school sampling, data entry, and on-line data collection software; offers training in the use of the three programs to NRCs
- Coordinates survey administration at the international level
- Maintains close contact with national data managers
Board of Participating Countries (BPC)
Comprised of representatives of all countries participating in TALIS
Representatives appointed by their respective education ministries
- Official decision-making body
- Determines policy priorities for TALIS
- Ensures that these are respected during implementation of each survey
Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Canada
- Acts as international sampling referee
- Responsible for sample design, implementation, weighting, and adjudication
TALIS Expert Groups
Analysis Expert Group (6 members)
Instrument Development Expert Group (15 members)
Item Development Expert Group (13 members)
Technical Advisory Group (5 members)
TALIS Framework Development Expert Group (5 members)
Four consultants (consult on scaling, framework development, and analysis)
National Managers
National project managers
National data managers
National sampling managers
These National Managers had key roles of:
- Establish overall survey preparation and survey administration schedule in cooperation with the ISC
- Provide up-to-date national sampling frame
- Perform within-school sampling and tracking using IEA WinW3S
- Nominate and train school coordinators and national quality control monitors
- Monitor the return status of the on-line questionnaires using the software tool provided by the ISC
- Enter paper data manually, using IEA DME Tools, and monitor data entry by a contracted external agency
- Use IEA DME Tools to perform quality control procedures
- Complete the survey activities questionnaire after survey administration
- Send data files to the ISC and respond to questions from the center
- The study was funded predominantly by the participating countries.
- Financial support was offered by the European Commission.