PIRLS 2016 Design
- International large-scale sample survey of student achievement and educational context
- Monitors trends by reporting results from successive cycles on a common achievement scale
- Predominantly quantitative, with qualitative information presented in descriptive country chapters in the PIRLS encyclopedia
- Overall data collection approach:
- Proctored assessment of student achievement
- Self-administered surveys for students, parents, teachers, and school principals
Target population
School children in the participating countries in grades representing 4 years of formal schooling
Sample design
Stratified two-stage cluster sample design
First stage: sampling schools
- Probability proportional to the size of the school (PPS)
- Stratifying schools (optional):
- According to important (demographic) variables (e.g., region of the country, school type or source of funding or languages of instruction)
- Two forms possible: explicit or implicit stratification
- Random-start fixed-interval systematic sampling
- Schools sampled at the same time for field test and main data collection
- Sampling of two replacement schools for each school sampled (main data collection only)
Second stage: sampling classes within schools
- Only after sampled schools agreed to participate in the study
- One or more intact classes from the target grade of each school, selected using systematic random sampling
General notes
- School sampling conducted by Statistics Canada, class sampling by participating countries
- All sampling activities monitored and documented by Statistics Canada and IEA Hamburg staff
Sample size
Per country
- School sample: minimum 150–200 schools
- Student sample: about 4,500 students
In total
Approximately 340,000 students
Data collection techniques and instruments
Student Assessment
- Written format – PIRLS and PIRLS Literacy
- Computer-based - ePIRLS
- Reading passages/online reading tasks and accompanying questions:
- Multiple-choice (at least half the number of total points)
- Constructed response
- Achievement items
- 12 item blocks (passages) for PIRLS, 12 item blocks for PIRLS Literacy, and 5 ePIRLS tasks
- 16 test booklets for PIRLS, 16 test booklets for PIRLS Literacy, and 12 task combinations for ePIRLS
- Items per assessment
- PIRLS: 175 items
- PIRLS Literacy: 183 items
- ePIRLS: 91 items
- Items per assessment
- Linking mechanisms between booklets and between cycles
- PIRLS and PIRLS Literacy have 4 common item blocks/passages
- New PIRLS passages and items in 2016: 4 blocks
- 6 PIRLS blocks are trend passages and (unreleased) items from PIRLS 2001, PIRLS 2006, and 2011
- New PIRLS Literacy passages and items in 2016: 6 blocks
- 4 PIRLS Literacy blocks are trend passages and (unreleased) items from prePIRLS 2011
- Matrix sampling of passages/items (rotated test booklet design)
Background questionnaires
- Student questionnaire, in print format; modular design
- Learning to Read survey (home questionnaire), to be completed by students’ parents or primary caregivers, print and online format (online for some countries)
- Teacher questionnaire, to be completed by the reading teachers assessed classes, print or online
- School questionnaire, to be completed by the principal of each school sampled, in print or online format
- ePIRLS student questionnaire, in computer-based format
Curriculum questionnaire
- To be completed by NRCs
- Modular design
- Online format
Descriptive encyclopedia chapters
- One chapter for each participating entity
- Written by experts from ministries of education, research institutes, or institutions of higher education (in countries and benchmarking entities) based on an internationally agreed-upon outline.
- achievement or student test
- questionnaire
- Assessment instruments administered in 40 languages for PIRLS, 10 languages for PIRLS Literacy, and 15 languages for ePIRLS.
- Instruments (assessments of achievement and student questionnaires) administered in two or more languages in 24 countries and four benchmarking entities.
- The most common languages: English (17 countries), Arabic (7 countries)
Translation procedures
- International version of all assessment instruments developed in English by TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center.
- Instruments then translated and adapted by participating countries into their languages of instruction.
- Translations verified by independent linguistic and assessment experts in order to ensure their equivalence with the international version.
Quality control of operations
During data collection
- National Research Coordinator (NRC) in each participating country responsible for data collection
- Standardized survey operations procedures: step-by-step documentation of all operational activities provided with manuals
- Full-scale field test of all instruments and operational procedures (in each participating country and benchmarking entity)
- Provision of software tools for supporting activities (e.g., sampling and tracking classes and students, administering school and teacher questionnaires, documenting scoring reliability, creating and checking data files)
- Training of NRCs and their staff, school coordinators, test administrators, etc.
- School visits conducted by international quality control monitors (IQCMs) during test administration (15 schools per country)
- National quality control program
- Survey activities questionnaire (SAQ) to be completed by NRCs
During data processing and cleaning
- Testing of all data cleaning programs with simulated data sets
- Material receipt database
- National adaptation database
- Standardized cleaning process
- Repetition of data cleaning and comparison of new data sets with preceding versions
- Identification of irregularities in data patterns and correction of data errors
Sources - Technical documentation
Other sources