TALIS 2018 Organization
Study director(s)
IEA Secretariat (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Manages contractor finances and contracts
- Verifies translation procedures for survey questions
- Ensures quality of survey implementation in all participating countries/sub-national entities
- Coordinates quality control procedures
- Oversees the verification of translations of questionnaires
- Appoints, contracts, and trains independent international quality control monitors
IEA Hamburg – formerly called IEA Data Processing and Research Center
- Serves as International Study Centre (ISC) and appoints international study director
- Responsible for overall budget, contractual agreements, and international schedule
- Responsible for developing the conceptual framework
- Coordinates item development group
- Oversees and advises on all tasks related to data processing, scaling, meeting organization, ICT services, software development, and programming
- Provides all countries/sub-national entities with within-school sampling, data entry, and on-line data collection software; offers training in the use of the three programs to NRCs
- Coordinates survey administration at the international level
- Maintains close contact with national data managers
Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Canada
- Acts as international sampling referee
- Responsible for sample design, implementation, weighting, and adjudication
- Advises on calculation of sampling errors
Australian Council for educational research (ACER, Melbourne, Australia)
- Responsible for quality control of final report tables
- Table verification
- Advises on analysis
Institutions and their responsibilities
- TALIS Governing Board (TGB) Comprised of representatives of all entities participating in TALIS
- Representatives appointed by their respective education ministries
- Official decision-making body
- Determining policy priorities for TALIS
- Ensuring that these are respected during implementation of each survey
TALIS Expert Groups
- Questionnaire Expert Group (12 expert and ex-officio members)
- Translates policy priorities into questionnaires
- Extended Questionnaire Expert Group (5 members)
- Advises on questionnaire development
- Technical Advisory Group (6 members)
- Advises on technical or analytical issues
National Managers
- National project managers
- National data managers
- National sampling managers
- Responsible for technical and operational procedures
- Ensure the security of coordination and cooperation of and with schools
- Oversee national adaptation
- Verify the translation and validation of questionnaires
- Manage data collection and processing procedure
- Verify obtained results
- Establish overall survey preparation and survey administration schedule in cooperation with the ISC
- Provide up-to-date national sampling frame
- Perform within-school sampling and tracking using IEA WinW3S
- Nominate and train school coordinators and national quality control monitors
- Monitor the return status of the on-line questionnaires using the software tool provided by the ISC
- Enter paper data manually, using IEA DME Tools, and monitor data entry by a contracted external agency
- Use IEA DME Tools to perform quality control procedures
- Complete the survey activities questionnaire after survey administration
- Send data files to the ISC and respond to questions from the center
2 rue André Pascal
75775 Paris Cedex 16
E-mail: edutalis@oecd.org
- The study was funded predominantly by the participating countries/sub-national entities.
- Financial support was offered by the European Commission for EU and EEA countries/sub-national entities.